It's no secret fly anglers like to give advice, share opinions, tell stories and on occasion, brag a little. Seven Mile Fly Shop's bathroom has become a must-see attraction for traveling fly anglers who visit the Florida Keys. First catches, guide quotes, shop reviews, off the cuff artwork, and fishy stickers have all found their way onto the walls of our lavatory.
SMFS's staff hold the markers in a secret location and only offer them up to responsible parties. Although, every once in awhile an inappropriate comment makes it's way onto the wall. Rest assured, the loo police monitor our sacred landmark and quickly remove tasteless comments. Magic erasers and large stickers are their tools of choice for covering up the ones that don't make the cut. Don't be that person!
Recently, a new trend has been documenting first fly catches on the walls. Anglers young and old have been paying tribute to their first catches on fly whether it was a bonefish, tarpon or snapper. These are all accomplishments and memories to be celebrated and remembered.
Next time you are in the Florida Keys, be sure to stop by Seven Mile Fly Shop and take part in the fun! A special thank you to Joe Dahut for starting this project back when the shop first opened in 2021. Here is a tribute to you!